Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4


In the constantly evolving field of digital marketing, having the right tools for tracking and analyzing your website's performance is important. Two of the most powerful tools available today are Google Tag Manager (GTM) and Google Analytics 4 (GA4). When used together, these tools can provide comprehensive insights into user behavior, speed up tracking code implementation, and improve your ability to make data-driven decisions.

What is Google Tag Manager?

Google Tag Manager is a free tag management system that allows you to easily update tags and code snippets on your website or mobile app via a web interface. Tags are JavaScript snippets that send data to third parties, such as Google Analytics. Prior to GTM, adding or updating these tags required editing your website's source code, which often meant waiting for a developer to implement the changes.

Key Features of GTM:

  • Ease of Use: GTM’s intuitive interface enables marketers and analysts to manage tags without requiring advanced coding skills.
  • Centralized Management: Manage all your tags from one place, reducing the risk of errors and inconsistencies.
  • Version Control: Keep track of changes with built-in versioning, making it easy to roll back if something goes wrong.
  • Debugging Tools: Use preview and debug mode to test tags in a controlled environment before deploying them live.
  • Built-in Templates: Access a wide range of pre-built tag templates for common marketing and analytics platforms, such as Google Ads, Facebook Pixel, and more.


What is Google Analytics 4?

Google Analytics 4 is the most recent version of Google's web analytics platform, designed to provide an enhanced view of user interactions across multiple platforms. GA4 is an important upgrade from the previous version of Universal Analytics, with a strong focus on event-based tracking, which enables greater detail in data collection and analysis.

Key Features of GA4:

  • Unified Data Model: GA4 tracks user interactions as events, providing a more flexible and detailed approach to data collection.
  • Cross-Platform Tracking: Collect data from both your website and mobile apps in a single property.
  • Enhanced Reporting: Improved reporting interface with new and customizable reports.
  • Machine Learning: Leverage Google’s machine learning capabilities for insights and predictive analytics.

Benefits of Using Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4 Together

When combined, GTM and GA4 offer several synergistic benefits as follows:

  • Simplified Implementation: GTM makes it easier to implement and manage GA4 tags and event tracking.
  • Increased Flexibility: Easily update or add new tags without altering your website's source code
  • Enhanced Data Accuracy: Reduce the risk of manual errors by managing all tracking codes through GTM.
  • Comprehensive Insights: Leverage GA4's advanced analytics capabilities to gain deeper insights into user behavior across all your digital properties.

Setting Up Google Tag Manager

  1. Create a Google Tag Manager account

To install GTM, visit the official website and create a new Google Tag Manager account.

Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4

Set up a container with a name, such as your website's name, and then obtain the code snippet.


 2. Create a web-property

Select the Web property to get a code for a website or web app.

Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4

There are various types of containers available in a GTM account.For websites, choose the web. Keep in mind that there are also other container types in Google Tag Manager for AMP pages, as well as iOS and Android apps.


3. Implement the Google Tag Manager code

Once you complete the setup, you'll receive the Google Tag Manager code to add to your website.

Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4

This is the Google Tag Manager container tag. It has two parts. The instructions on how to implement the script tags are written above each part.

Take the first part of the container tag and put it as high as possible in the head tag on every page of your website. With this, we can confirm that we can fire tags initially in page loads.

Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4

The second part is an iframe designed to run in browsers where JavaScript is disabled. Install the tag as high as possible in the body tag on each page of your website.


Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4

Implementation of Tags and Triggers in Google Tag Manager

  • Google Tag Manager uses a single JavaScript code snippet added to your site, which acts as a container for all the tags you want to manage.
  • It contains listeners that track user activities, such as page views.
  • When a user loads a page, GTM listeners capture this action.
  • These listeners then check if the action matches any triggers set up in GTM.
  • If the interaction matches a trigger, the corresponding tag is executed.


A tag is a piece of code that can send data to systems like Google Analytics. It could be the code for a Facebook tracking pixel or a Google Analytics snippet. The following screenshot displays the two Google Analytics tags on the Root and Branch site.

These tags include the GA4 property type and the UA property type within the corresponding Google Tag Manager account.

In addition to these tags, we can create other tags to track specific actions on our website. You can find these additional tags in the first five tags listed below.

Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4

The following are examples of commonly used tags. These are tools and platforms frequently installed with GTM:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Ads
  • Crazy Egg
  • Hotjar
  • ImpactHero
  • Pinterest Tag
  • LinkedIn Insight
  • Twitter Universal Web Tag
  • Facebook/Meta Pixel
Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4


  • Triggers specify the conditions under which tags should be fired.
  • Page views, form submissions, and link clicks are the examples triggers.
  • The tag is activated when the link is clicked or user redirects to a page.
  • Each tag must have at least one trigger, so GTM knows when to activate it.  
  • Analytics platforms like Google Analytics commonly use page views as a trigger.
  • This is because you want to collect analytics data for every page a user visits.
  • When user completed the checkout process or when a user adds an item to the cart then only the conversion tracking tag might get fired. Another example might be when a user completes the checkout process.
  • When a specified event occurs then only the trigger tells the tag to fire. Otherwise, the tag will not fire. GTM will not execute the code snippet.
  • You can also add variables to triggers to further refine when you want tags to fire.
  • For instance, you might want your support chat to activate only on pages within the checkout funnel.
  • In this case, you could add a variable specifying that the tag should only fire on page views of URLs containing “/checkout/”.
  • Also, we can assign multiple triggers on a single tag.
Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4

Here are some of the most used triggers:

  • Page views
  • Link clicks
  • Button clicks
  • Form submissions
  • File downloads
  • Scroll depth
  • Time spent on page
  • Custom event



  • Variables are nothing but the pieces that contains the information which will be passed to the GTM when tag is fired.
  • Variables helped to define for what a tag or trigger is supposed to do.
  • Common types of variables are - Constant and Google Analytics Settings
  • Both are commonly used to specify Google Analytics account IDs, such as the "Tracking ID" in Universal Analytics and the "Measurement ID" or "Google Tag" in GA4.
  • Whenever you create a Google Analytics tag, you need to input your tracking or measurement ID.
  • This can be tedious, as these IDs are not typically memorized.
  • Alternatively, you can create a variable to store your ID.
  • Then, whenever you create a new tag that requires this information, you simply use the variable you created.
  • Another common variable is “Page URL.”
  • For example, to track page views of your checkout page, you would assign the "Page Views" trigger.
  • To specifically target the checkout page, you would assign the Page URL variable and include the URL for your checkout page.
Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4

The following are some of the most common variables:

  • Constant
  • Google Analytics Settings
  • Click URL
  • Click ID
  • Click Class
  • Page URL
  • Page Path
  • Form ID
  • Scroll depth threshold


How Do Tags and Triggers Work Together?

In the Google Tag Manager, we can define our triggers and our tags. The trigger is the specific action we are monitoring. The tag contains the data we want to create. When a tag is paired with its corresponding trigger, the data is sent to Google Analytics when the trigger fires.

Let’s understand this with an example:

  • We have created a Link Click trigger, which is shown in the screenshot below. In order to build a new trigger, we must first choose the type of trigger we want to create by clicking the "New" button. The options we have for the type of trigger we can construct are somewhat similar to the various actions we are able to monitor. Examples of other triggers include click triggers, a timer trigger, and a scroll depth trigger. For our requirement , we have choose the "Click - Just Links" trigger.
  • This trigger can be set to fire on ALL or only some link clicks. We will only configure it for certain link clicks. This allows us to specify precisely what conditions we want. Our trigger requires two conditions, as shown below. The click's destination must be the YouTube channel's URL (the Click URL), and the user must be on the homepage at the time of the click. As a result, any clicks from this page to the YouTube channel would not activate this specific trigger.
Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4

Let’s Create Our GTM Tag

  • To create a tag in GTM, click the blue "New" button in the Tags menu, which you can find in the left-hand navigation.
  • Now, select the type of tag that you want to create. For event tracking in our associated Google Analytics (GA4) property, select "Google Analytics: GA4 Event" as the tag type.
Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4

The final step is to assign a firing trigger to the new tag.

You’ll see a prompt from GTM to "Choose a trigger to make this tag fire." Click in that area and find the trigger you built earlier. Once you’ve selected it, your tag will be combined with a firing trigger as shown below.

Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4

Setting Up Google Analytics 4

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up GA4:

  1. Create a GA4 Property
    • Go to [Google Analytics]( and sign in with your Google account.
    • Click on "Admin", then "Create Property".
    • Choose "Google Analytics 4" and follow the setup wizard to create your property.



Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4

2. Set Up Data Streams

  • The next step involves setting up your first data stream. A data stream is a source from which events will be collected and sent to your Google Analytics 4 property. You can configure multiple data streams within a single property, such as one for your website, one for your Android app, and another for your iOS app.
Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4

3. Install the GA4 Tag

  • Select the GA4 Configuration option after setting up the new Tag.
  • Enter your Measurement ID (found in the GA4 data stream settings) and configure the tag.

4. Verify Implementation

  • Use GA4's DebugView to verify that data is being collected correctly.
Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4

• Access DebugView from the GA4 interface and interact with your site to see real-time data.

Master Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics 4

Advanced Features of GTM and GA4

Google Tag Manager Advanced Features:

  1. Custom Templates:

Create custom tag templates to standardize and simplify the implementation of non-standard tags.

  1. Data Layer:

Use the data layer to store and pass additional information to your tags. This is especially useful for capturing dynamic data that is not readily available in the HTML.

  1. Auto-Event Tracking:

Set up automatic event tracking for clicks, form submissions, and other user interactions without needing to manually tag each element.

  1. Environment-Specific Containers

Manage different environments (development, staging, production) with environment-specific containers to ensure consistent and accurate data collection across all stages.


Google Analytics 4 Advanced Features:

  1. User-Centric Data:

GA4 provides a user-centric approach to data, focusing on the entire user journey across multiple devices and platforms.

  1. Custom Dimensions and Metrics:

Create and track custom dimensions and metrics to capture specific data points relevant to your business.

  1. Enhanced Measurement:

Automatically track key user interactions such as scrolls, outbound clicks, site search, video engagement, and file downloads with minimal configuration.

  1. Explorations:

Use Explorations (formerly known as Analysis Hub) to conduct ad-hoc analysis and create custom reports tailored to your specific needs.


Use Cases for GTM and GA4

  1. Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking:

Track detailed ecommerce interactions such as product impressions, clicks, purchases, and refunds using GA4's ecommerce events and GTM's data layer.

  1. Form Tracking:

Use GTM to track form submissions and user input data, and analyze this data in GA4 to understand user engagement and form performance.

  1. Click Tracking:

Capture information about user interactions with buttons, links, and other clickable elements using GTM triggers and GA4 event tracking.

  1. Personalization:

Use GTM and GA4 data to create personalized user experiences based on user behavior and preferences, enhancing engagement and conversions.


Common Challenges and Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Tags Not Firing:

Ensure that the GTM container code is correctly installed on your site.

Use GTM Preview Mode to identify and resolve issues with triggers or tag configurations.

  1. Data Discrepancies:

Ensure that the appropriate tags are activated by the correct triggers.

Ensure consistent implementation across all pages and platforms.

  1. Debugging Complex Implementations:

Use GA4's DebugView and browser developer tools to inspect and validate data being sent to GA4.

Collaborate with developers to troubleshoot and resolve complex issues.

  1. Privacy Compliance:

Implement consent management solutions to ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.

Use GA4's data deletion requests and GTM's consent mode features to manage user data appropriately.



By integrating Google Analytics 4 (GA4) with Google Tag Manager (GTM), you can significantly boost your ability to track, analyze, and optimize your digital marketing efforts. These tools offer comprehensive insights into user behavior, enabling you to refine your tracking strategies and make data-driven decisions that propel your business forward.

Whether you're new to digital analytics or have some experience, mastering GTM and GA4 is essential for maximizing your online impact. Leveraging these technologies, adhering to best practices, and continuously refining your approach will help you stay competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

By emphasizing advanced features, addressing common challenges, and adhering to best practices, you can ensure that your implementation of GTM and GA4 is effective, compliant, and capable of providing the insights necessary to fine-tune your marketing strategies and drive better business results.

Let Blueflame Labs help you unlock the full potential of your website data. Contact us today for a consultation!