RootStock and RootForms: A Power Duo for Manufacturing Efficiency

Introduction to RootStock and RootForms:

Manufacturing industries operate in a complex environment, where efficiency and agility are paramount. In such a landscape, leveraging the right tools and technologies can make all the difference. Enter RootStock and RootForms – two powerful packages designed to revolutionize manufacturing processes within the Salesforce ecosystem. In this blog, we'll explore how these two solutions work seamlessly together to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and drive success in the manufacturing industry.

RootStock is a comprehensive cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution built on the Salesforce platform. It offers end-to-end functionality for manufacturers, including inventory management, production planning, procurement, and more. With RootStock, manufacturers can gain real-time visibility into their operations, optimize resource allocation, and respond swiftly to changing market demands.

Every company has their own way of formatting their important documents which show relevant data from rootstock as per their requirements. The Rootstock Summer '20 Release included RootForms which complements RootStock by providing customizable templates for documents and streamlined data presentation capabilities within Salesforce . It brought an easy way to format all these documents such as receipts, invoices, slips, etc. simply by setting up records of relevant objects. It allows you to create templates as per your wish with formatting options and the addition of logos. It provides a seamless integration with Rootstock to display the data in an automatically generated form. The user can ditch the code and simply use clicks to set up the templates. These pre-built templates can be used for automatic generation of documents which can later be printed out, sent over email or simply stored in Salesforce.


Benefits of Rootstock and RootForms:

As a Rootstock cloud ERP partner, we would like to highlight some benefits of using Rootforms

Seamless Integration: RootStock seamlessly integrates with Salesforce, leveraging its robust CRM capabilities to provide a unified platform for managing sales, operations, and customer interactions. This integration ensures data consistency across the organization and facilitates collaboration between different departments.

Customizable Forms: With RootForms, manufacturers can create custom forms tailored to their specific business needs. RootForms enables users to capture data efficiently and accurately.

Real-time Visibility: By leveraging the power of Salesforce's reporting and analytics capabilities, RootStock and RootForms provide manufacturers with real-time visibility into their operations. From inventory levels to production schedules to sales forecasts, decision-makers can access actionable insights to drive informed decision-making and strategic planning.


RootForms Setup:

Implementing RootStock and RootForms is a straightforward process. One needs to get in touch with the RootStock support team to install RootForms which can only be done after RootStock is installed. The support team will also make some configurations in the Salesforce system to activate the package. Configure the RootForms components to match your business requirements and train your team on how to use the new tools effectively. With the right implementation partner and support resources, you can maximize the value of RootStock and RootForms and transform your manufacturing operations.

The below steps need to be followed to start working with RootForms package in your organization:

  1. Connect with RootStock to submit a request to install RootForms.
  2. Once installed, this package needs to be activated through some configurations by the RootStock support team. This change can be made only if the RootForms package is installed.
  3. Next steps include granting permissions to users that are supposed to use the RootForms functionality, making settings to override the existing form templates, and setting up Remote Site Settings.


Sample Templates:

The RootForms Sample Templates serve as a reference for field mapping, and users can always customize them to suit their own needs. The templates are divided into two categories, ERP Templates and Financial Templates.

Features of the Templates:

  1. Easily formattable
  2. Contains Target Object for which real time data needs to be included
  3. Divided into document types, hence giving a set of options of templates to the user to choose from. For example, if I have overridden the setting for Packing Slip printing to use a RootForms template instead, on the UI, there will be a drop down showing all the available templates that have the Document Type as Packing Slip
  4. Give the documents a native feel by adding the company logo


RootStock and RootForms: A Power Duo for Manufacturing Efficiency

Fig.1: List of Sample Templates 


With the right implementation partner and support resources, you can maximize the value of RootStock and RootForms and transform your manufacturing operations.

RootStock and RootForms: A Power Duo for Manufacturing Efficiency

Fig.2: UI to map fields for Packing Slip document

RootStock and RootForms: A Power Duo for Manufacturing Efficiency

Fig.3: Sample Template for Packing Slip

Let’s look at one of the Use Case where Rootstock and Rootforms can help:

A company that sells medicinal oils is using Salesforce to set up their system and have their product reach the entire world.

  1. This company can use RootStock to set up their vast inventory that can be extended beyond the medicinal oils (special kits, miscellaneous items, etc.), handle their customer database from different parts of the world and process their orders. Since this company deals with medicine, their documents need to be apt and to the point, containing real time and precise data, correct formation and the stamp of quality from the company which assures the patient.
  2. The sales order management process can be streamlined by integrating RootStock with RootForms. The managers can generate Quotations based on the statistics from the inventory and Customer’s requirements.
  3. It is essential to keep track of what material is resourced from which vendor and each type of material can have different details that need to be mentioned in the purchase order. Using RootForms, the manager can set up several templates and choose the one matching the requirement and material type at the time of generating the Purchase Order.
  4. If an order is issued for return, the process can be tracked right from the pickup to delivery back at the factory. Based on real time data, documents for Return Material can be generated.
  5. For big as well as small orders, the bills can be generated based on the size of the data. If the data is large, the relevant documents can be split into different pages without messing up the format.



In an increasingly competitive manufacturing landscape, efficiency and agility are critical success factors. By harnessing the power of RootStock and RootForms, manufacturers can streamline operations, get real time data in the documents without a hassle, and format long documents as per the size of the data. The automation that helps easy generation of documents based on various factors by simply setting up templates and providing a variety of options helps an organization save up on manpower and time factors. Whether it's optimizing production processes, managing inventory effectively, or accelerating sales cycles, RootStock and RootForms provide the tools and capabilities needed to stay ahead of the competition and thrive in the digital age.